Tuesday, February 1, 2011


               Sooo Typical, Kari Waivol “The soccer girl” to write about soccer. Well here’s the situation, most of you probably think soccer is extremely boring and stupid and I kind of understand that. It’s not a sport that you can just wake up one morning and decide “Hey I’m going to be a soccer super star today” Nope! It’s a sport that takes a tremendous amount of practice, determination, and dedication. It’s the type of sport you had to of known and loved since you were a young child.
                What most people don’t know is that the World Cup is the most watched sports finals worldwide. It’s also really cool that all the countries come together in unity to see who’s the best of the best, literally. Soccer and the World Cup especially is such an important thing to us soccer fans. Here’s an example of how we like to think of it. Some people believe soccer is a matter of life and death. I'm very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.“Soccer's a difficult business and aren't they prima donnas. But it's a wonderful game.”(Queen Elizabeth II To Premier League Chairman David Richards, November 2006.)               
 On another note soccer is something that I strive to do well in. It’s what I truly am passionate about. Soccer = my one true love. It’s a matter of if your first, you’re first. If your second your nothing. Most of the time we’re thinking about wining when it comes to soccer, but you also form the family bond with your team. It’s kind of refreshing in a way. I play club soccer and high school soccer, so I’m pretty much playing all year around. I’d have to say hands down, my favorite time of the year is high school soccer season. Every year your bond with the girls just gets stronger and stronger and in doing that the team progresses even further then the year before.
All in all I absolutely love it. It is what it is.


  1. Kari, i really liked your blog. You used good descriptive words and i liked how you put it from your point of view. Ive always wondered what it would be like to be a soccer player, but never went through with it. It seems like a very fun and intresting spot. I myself love watching it, expecally when its a really good game. Keep up the good work (:

  2. Soccer is definately a sport you have to practice your heart out in. I believe soccer is one of the toughest sports around. It's so cool that you are a pro kitty soccer star. Your soccer skills will make you go a long way in life. Keep up the kitty kicking work !! Gooo kitty !!!!!

  3. after reading this article it made me go back down memorey lane to when i was playing soccer when i was 4 years old but the only problem is my mom has a video of me going down the feild almost at the goal for the winning point and then a dragonfly flew past me and i turned around and and left the ball and just chaced the dragonfly insted my hole team was upset but i didnt care!!
